Friday, August 31, 2012

Buy Eco Friendly Lamps & Shades for Your Home

Buy Eco friendly  lamps this Diwali – the festival of light is an indicator of the triumph of good over evil. It is ushered in with lighting small oil lamps to overcome darkness in every home all over the country. 

Gift Eco friendly  lamps this Diwali - is about giving and bringing light and happiness in the lives of your near and dear ones.  You can gift a lamp to your spouse  or sister which she will cherish for long.

Buy Eco friendly lamps for your home - Celebrate the festival of lights with our trendy lamps. Use our lamps and Stay energy efficient all the year round with excellent illumination.

This Diwali we help you bring light and illumination using our range of designer lamps made for Diwali. They are well suited as lamps for all occasions and as a gift. You can choose from a variety of colours for the bottle and shade. The lamp uses a 5 watt energy saving bulb which can easily run on an inverter.  It does not load the inverter /generator when power fails. The lamp is designed in a way where it can be used all year round. So it is a good home decor gift.

Friday, August 24, 2012


A bathroom is always a challenge illuminating every nook and corner of the bathroom, since the size of a bathroom is quite constrained and an effort is made to use the available floor space and walls for installing sanitary-ware and other objects and accessories necessary while having a shower or a tub bath. The size and protrusions are numerous and there is lot of space left dark under the washbasin. The corners near the shower remain unlit and the overall illumination in the bathroom is dim. This causes problems while bathing and while cleaning . Nooks and corners get neglected and end up looking unclean. 

To overcome all these issues select a lamp which will give direct illumination for a really bright look. It will enhance the bathing experience too. A dim gloomy bathroom is a most unwelcome sight for any person. So some basic level of moisture proofing along with the power cables is essential so that you can have a lamp which will serve well and a regular cleaning cycle is always advised. However with availability of excellent sealant , the moisture issue can be minimized to a large extent. Ceiling mounted lights although good looking and providing decent illumination are continuously inundated with the moisture that rises and condenses on the fixture .With time water percolates in the electrical wiring leading to shock hazard as well as a light with high failure. So while choosing bathroom fixtures care need to be taken to keep moisture resistance a top priority. Failing to do so can cause a lot of misery and cost a lot to maintain. Buy lamps, lamp fixtures which are moisture well.  Another  major issue with bathroom lighting is moisture condensing on the electrical wiring. Moisture is a big enemy of electrical fixture.  Bathroom lamps are special lamps and fixtures which are resistant to high humidity and moisture. Alternately a wall mounted sconce type lamp can be considered. Such lamps are less prone to moisture related issues being wall mounted. Even these lamps will have to be safeguarded from water . So a glass , ceramic or metal fixture is apt for a bathroom lamp. A sealant comes  handy to prevent water ingress and corrosion wherever possible and to apply it while installing the lamp. A bathroom lamp selected after considering all these issues will be a long lasting one providing long trouble free illumination.


Thursday, August 23, 2012


You just found out that there is another invite for a house warming party and there is an urgent need to get a good gift. Before you rush out and buy another bouquet of roses and a gift hamper think again. This time think going green and go carefully through each gift idea that can be green and nature friendly.

A new house will obviously be having most of the things new or ones from the previous house. So think what kind of gift will be appropriate for such an occasion. A new dinner set? Linen set? Wine? or a wonderful organic lamp?

A lamp is always remembered and cherished as a unique gift. The host can always find a suitable place for the lamp. If chosen wisely, it will never end up in the attic as odd kind of furniture. Organic paper lamps are the new kind of lamps which are green, nature friendly and are made using processes which do not upset the environment. They are available in bamboo, Chic, reclaimed wood, driftwood, stoneware and even recycled bottles. There are even some lamps made from reclaimed silk. The designs are very attractive and mix of new age and rustic. They go well in either setting be it modern or rustic, at office or at home. A wide selection and options in floor lamps, corner lamps, table lamps, reading lamps, wall sconces and pendant lamps is available in stunning colors and design which do not cost the earth!!

So before rushing to the gift store and lapping up some gift on impulse please think about the host, their way of decorating their previous home, the color schemes they have, the furniture and obviously the kind of ambiance they like to be around. Considering all of the above try and make a check list of the kind of lamp they would buy. You can rest assured that the gift will be a instant hit and will find a place of pride in the house not to mention the compliments from the hosts every time you visit them for quite some time. It is akin to remembering some ones name, their birthday and anniversary. A timely wish and a well chosen gift are always appreciated and remembered.

If there is some hesitation choosing the right kind of lamp, you can consider getting help from the store staff who will be definitely be of help in choosing the right lamp. If you are ordering one online, search the kind of lamp you want using all the available information about the host which will help you arrive at a store having good options which fit well in your requirements. 


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pendant Lamp Shades By

Shop Pendant Lamp shade : BnBCreation
Bare bulbs strung from a ceiling look bright and boring. The light fills up the entire room. The illumination is harsh and quite tiring on our eyes. So a lampshade made to slip over this bulb is born. Such a shade is called a pendant lampshade. Such lampshades have shapes similar to table lamps with the difference that the bulb is only visible if we stand below the shade and look up. Such shades can be tall, short and wide, square, cylindrical, Victorian and modern. Pendant lampshades help illuminate the room in a soft manner and the lighting is directed towards the floor . So the shadows are also minimum, The sofa and table surfaces are well illuminated and there is little  difference in illumination on the wall and on the objects. The murals, vase or a painting on the wall are well illuminated but with total absence of highlighting. The light is spread evenly on all the furniture and walls in the room. Such lampshades go well in almost any room be it a living room, a library or the entertainment room.

Depending on the length of the shade we can add more bulbs strung one below another for stronger lighting. Such shades are also popular in restaurants where table side lighting is needed without obstructing the floor and for convenience. A bar can also make good use of pendant lampshades where dim and mellow lighting is preferred. The shade filters the harshness of the bulb yet allows sufficient light to illuminate the array of wine bottles and glasses placed on the racks and shelves.

At home the pendant lamp shade can be customised with hand prints on the fabric, small dolls and flowers. Even a small wind chime can be added to the shade which would tinkle with the breeze.
A pendant lampshade mobile can be a good option over a dining table using frosted bulbs and plain fabric to match the ambience and decor of the room. 

A chandelier is also a pendant lamp shade with the difference that it illuminates the whole room with light refracted from  crystals that make up the chandelier. In either case the light is mild but the purpose is different. Chandeliers are suited for large rooms like banquet halls and rooms with a high ceiling.

 A pendant lamp shades can be strung even on a low ceiling without any problem. It helps create depth in a small room. A large room can be made to look cosier with such a shade. 

Thus a room can be highlighted to make it look cosy, large or even small. This is possible using a pendant lamp shade.


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lighting solutions - homes.

When we talk of Lighting it means illuminationg the place in a way that it distributes light from a wall scone, ceiling lamp, table lamp or a floor lamp evenly around the place . This place can be a Living room, a dining room, Kitchen, a hall, a porch or a balcony. Al these places need illumination. The choice of the lamp, lampshade, lamp fixture and the lihgt bulb or cfl is descided by the shape, size and utility of the place.
Let us consider a home. A place where the family starts their day and ends it too. So the prime consideration is a pace for relaxation and rejuvenation. Every room in a house when done up properly adds up to a home. Families spend their evenings , rest time and mornings in a home. So Illumination is a prerequisite. Every room is unique in its functionality , its utility and has a distinctive ambience . So the need of proper illumination is necessary. Till date one fixture for all rooms was the norm. But with such a large variety of Lamp shades made in diverse material like cloth, silk, paper, jute, bamboo, weeds and wood there is a unique offering of lamps for each room.

 A Hall can accept a floor lamp, a wall scone, a frame lamp, a celiling lamp, pedestal lamp….

e.g. a living room needs three different types of lighting bright, medium and mellow. High or Bright lighting can be achieved using a direct light source like a ceiling mounted cfl / led array with a suitable reflector for spreading the light all around evenly. This helps light up the roomvery well. Next comes medium level illumination. This can be achieved using a Wall scone with a bulb, cfl or a led fixture behing. This kind of setup cuts any direct glare from the light source. A table lamp with a semi transparent shade will also give a similar effect. Even a translucent ceiling lamp shade can give similar results. Mellow or low level lighting is the most difficult to achieve. Normally a bright lamp is chosen along with a low opacity shade made from Fiber, cotton, jute, cane or bamboo. But such a setup has fire hazard issues. Again a high wattage lamp wastes precious energy adding to golbal warming. If the place is airconditioned the ac system needs to work overtime to negate the heat from the bulb. So there is a need to have a balance between the lamp and the shade. The trick is to use a low wattage energy saving lamp along with a lampshade which allows a lot of light to pass through but still have mellow illumination.
BnB Creation is a leader in this technology and has a large array of lamps and lampshades which use energy sav ing lamps. The lamp itself is made from sustainable resources ad material which do not employ manufacturing processes which are harmful to the environment. The entire lamp is recyclable. Most of the raw material is from plants and tress which are fast growing and are sometimes looked upon as misfits.
The main idea is to design a shade which allows sufficient light through for even illumination without burdening the environment.


Friday, August 17, 2012


Designer floor lamps are special lamps with particular focus on lighting, aesthetics and looks. Floor lamps are candidates for a dark corner in a room which needs subtle illumination or a room that can do without a bright lamp. Such lamps come as cylinders, cubes, a pyramid or a cone and sometimes as abstract 3 dimensional shapes.

Designer floor lamps are ones made in limited numbers using design ideas and material which is not used on a regular basis. The design for example can be a combination of bird feathers, wood and stone. The result is often stunning and will be an object d’art. Such lamps are hand-made which make them expensive. On the other hand what we get is an almost unique floor lamp. Most floor lamps come in height from 1’ and can be as tall as 6’. 

They are a result of a careful and synchronized coordination between the designer and craftsman. What is drawn on the drawing board must reflect well in the lamp. This is necessary for a floor lamp to qualify as a designer floor lamp.

Floor lamps help illuminate a small room, a staircase or a corner. Whatever the need, a corner lamp can be made to order to address the lighting as desired. The options available are color, choice of fabric, antique or modern, rustic or formal, bright lighting or dim lighting and of course they can be disguised to look like a stone or a tear in the wall. Whatever the demand there is a way to get the desired effect. With bright LED lighting available difficult to light places can be now easily illuminated with a very small compact light source. A pencil thin floor lamp is now possible to design with added advantage of very low energy consumption and adjustable brightness. So there is a possibility of one floor lamp giving out a soft light as well as very bright light. 

Using white fabric and color changing LED array, it is now possible to have a colored lamp. So with new inventions lighting is getting innovative. This concept of creating a custom lamp for a very specific purpose using expensive processes for that stunning lighting experience is designer lighting.


Lamps and Shades with traditional Indian motifs and prints are now available in small numbers for art lovers and lovers of Indian art. The lamps are made in a variety of material from paper to silk.
You can choose options from batik to hand woven fabric and raw silk with intricate designs to printed silk. For centuries hand crafted fabric from India has been very popular and was available as a Saree or a as base material for designer and ethnic apparel. However it is available as a lamp shade from BnB Creation which is guaranteed to be a head turner. The Indianness of the lamp starts right at the base which is embellished with Indian artifacts, paintings or even stone work and is capped by a complementing lamp shade with matching designs in print, batik or zari work. The lamp is stunning to look at any time be it day or night. Day light will bring out its beauty in sunshine and at night the lamp itself will have an aura very soothing and comforting for helping you relax.

If you choose the organic paper option then the designs are mostly hand painted, wood block prints or are embossed on the paper itself. There are many options as far as paper is concerned. Organic paper is made from recycled wood, paper pulp, natural grasses and processed bark from living trees- bark is a waste product for a tree. A tree sheds its bark several times in its life cycle. Sometimes leaves and flowers can be seen embedded in the paper – the most natural design one can think of.

Scenes depicting Indian traditions, festivals and village life can also be seen on organic paper lamp shades.

Hand-painted Lampshade
Proceeding to a more conservative design one can choose from fabric lamp shades with scenes from Indian mythology, traditional rendering of living objects, Indian traditions, festivals and people in attires not to be seen anymore.

With zari work on silk as a choice of lamp shade the designs get more geometric and are quite different from the ones in print. The zari work is traditionally a cross weave of finely drawn gold plated silver wire which forms the basis of the design. The whole design idea spins around this material. Occasionally colored silk is used to highlight the design. With Gold and silver at an all time high, today Gold plated zari work is a restricted art and has been largely replaced by imitation zari. Though it cannot compare with Real Gold and silver  zari still it succeeds in creating the same luster and finish of real gold zari work. Zari work shines and shimmers in the daylight while at night the design serves to mellow the light filtering out from the shade. Order a traditional India lamp with a matching shade in Organic paper, silk and with authentic zari work today!!


Table Lamp

Perhaps one of the oldest kinds of illumination is a Rustic table lamp. They have been around for many centuries. They started off as simple wax lamps and progressed to oil lamps and then finally as electric table lamps. What has not changed is the use they are put to.  We are surrounded by all kinds of gadgets and machines primarily intended to make life easier. Often the all end up doing the opposite.  Computers and offices are places designed to be purely functional. There is little thought given to the fact that it is to be used by humans. The need for a break from the stiff upper lip formal life is always a welcome break from the daily routine. So a rustic lamp here, a rustic scene there does help distress ourselves. The most eye catching aspect of a rustic lamp is the material they are made of. Earlier they were mostly made from raw material available easily. Thin and translucent animal skin, silk fabric or organic paper for the shade, wooden carvings for the base, ceramic oil holder and cotton wick. 

A glass shade or a paper shade was also often used. All these shade ideas were nature inspired and always carried drawings, paintings and caricatures of wild animals, nature, a log house etc. Being informal in design and connecting to village life, they add warmth to the setting and definitely enhance the beauty of the place. The table, side table or sofa which ever furniture they are placed on looks beautiful and eye catching.  

A table lamp is the most common kind of lighting idea around us. It is seen as a study lamp, a bar table lamp, as a mantelpiece lamp or even a side table mini pedestal lamp. It serves a s a lighting accessory for a table, a sofa, a settee, or as a soft lighting solution for a large room. There is a Rustic table lamp for the kitchen, the living room, and bedroom and kids room. Rustic table lamps come in various shapes and designs using a variety of material like ceramic, terracotta, glass, brass, steel and wood. They are mostly organic in design and are made from material which is biodegradable and recyclable. Complete terracotta lamps with an oil lamp or a candle holder are the most apparent examples which have been around for thousands of years. 

We find examples of rustic table lamps all around the world. E.g. Japanese rice paper lamps, wooden lamps with reindeers and terracotta lamps  are excellent examples of rustic lamps which are very popular even today.


Online Lamp shade Store | Contact BnB

Services : BnB Creation brings you a large range of :
  • Designer Lamps Lampshades
  • Floor Lamps Lampshades
  • Table Lamps Lampshades
  • Wall Sconces
  •  Pendant lamps & shades
  • Pedestal Lamp & shades
  • Mural Lamps
  •  Lamp shades designed to be different from the ones available in the market.
In doing this a lot of our customers keep asking about after sales service like replacing torn fabric, broken fixtures or even repairing and reconditioning old and antique lamps.
We are happy to offer our services for keeping your collection of lamps and shades in impeccable and mint condition as possible.
We offer a range of services covering:
  • Customisation of lamps.
  • Repair / replacement of worn / torn lamp shade frame and  fabric.
  • Woodwork restoration.
  • Metalwork / tinwork.
  • Replication of a favorite lamp.
  • Electrical fault repair.
  • We have a team of dedicated craftsmen who are experts in their respective fields.
  • We repair / restore your lamps with utmost care.
  • Gifts and ideas.
Kindly log on to for more information or mail us at  sales at
Call Us on: 9552923160

BnB Creation
20 Sahas , Gananjay Society
Kothrud -411029
Pune (INDIA)
Contact : Shrinidhi Ranade
+91 9552923160 (9am to 9pm)