Thursday, August 23, 2012


You just found out that there is another invite for a house warming party and there is an urgent need to get a good gift. Before you rush out and buy another bouquet of roses and a gift hamper think again. This time think going green and go carefully through each gift idea that can be green and nature friendly.

A new house will obviously be having most of the things new or ones from the previous house. So think what kind of gift will be appropriate for such an occasion. A new dinner set? Linen set? Wine? or a wonderful organic lamp?

A lamp is always remembered and cherished as a unique gift. The host can always find a suitable place for the lamp. If chosen wisely, it will never end up in the attic as odd kind of furniture. Organic paper lamps are the new kind of lamps which are green, nature friendly and are made using processes which do not upset the environment. They are available in bamboo, Chic, reclaimed wood, driftwood, stoneware and even recycled bottles. There are even some lamps made from reclaimed silk. The designs are very attractive and mix of new age and rustic. They go well in either setting be it modern or rustic, at office or at home. A wide selection and options in floor lamps, corner lamps, table lamps, reading lamps, wall sconces and pendant lamps is available in stunning colors and design which do not cost the earth!!

So before rushing to the gift store and lapping up some gift on impulse please think about the host, their way of decorating their previous home, the color schemes they have, the furniture and obviously the kind of ambiance they like to be around. Considering all of the above try and make a check list of the kind of lamp they would buy. You can rest assured that the gift will be a instant hit and will find a place of pride in the house not to mention the compliments from the hosts every time you visit them for quite some time. It is akin to remembering some ones name, their birthday and anniversary. A timely wish and a well chosen gift are always appreciated and remembered.

If there is some hesitation choosing the right kind of lamp, you can consider getting help from the store staff who will be definitely be of help in choosing the right lamp. If you are ordering one online, search the kind of lamp you want using all the available information about the host which will help you arrive at a store having good options which fit well in your requirements.